Online Weekly Classes
Book Group
This reflection group led by James is currently exploring Swami Radhananda’s Living the Practice. If you would like to sign up or for this fortnightly class of reflection and practice, or would like more information, please get in touch.
When: Fortnightly, 7pm to 8.30pm UK time
Cost: By donation to the Radha House Association Charity no 1057281, that helps people to experience Yasodhara Yoga locally and at Yasodhara Ashram.
Contact: James
YDC Graduates Group
We often work with a theme suggested through the Yasodhara Ashram teachers’ network, such as – abundance, learning, creativity, discrimination, offering, transitions – there is something new every session. At other times, we choose a current theme that is coming up for us in our conversations together. Working in a group allows for enhanced learning through listening to, and sharing with, others.
When: Fortnightly, 7.00pm to 8.30pm UK time
Cost: By donation to the Radha House Association Charity no 1057281, that helps people to experience Yasodhara Yoga locally and at Yasodhara Ashram.
Hatha Yoga
Stretch and relax with Lisa
When: Weekly, 7.15pm UK time
Contact: Lisa
Hatha Yoga: Hidden Language See Link
Contact: or call 07939 066810
Chanting brings a deep sense of peace and joy. Through repetition of the mantra you can become like a magnet, attracting spiritual power and you may offer a prayer or chant mantra for healing others, as an expression of your sincere concern
When: Weekly, 19h45 to 20h15 Portuguese time
Cost: By donation
Contact: Jovita: +35 19 3842 3986
Divine Light Invocation practice
Take 10 minutes in your week to come together and practice the Divine Light Invocation, a core practice of the Yasodhara Yoga tradition.
When: Weekly, 9am UK time
Contact: James
Hatha Yoga: Hidden Language – in Portuguese
Reflection takes the practice of Hatha Yoga far beyond a series of physical exercises. It is a gentle, meditative style of Hatha that respects the body as a spiritual tool. By working with metaphor, symbolism, imagery and visualization, ‘hidden’ messages are revealed.
When: Weekly,18h30 to 19h45 London and Lisbon time
Satsang see link
Hatha Yoga: Hidden Language See Link
Contact: or call 07939 066810
We offer classes in various locations across Europe. Please see the Locations page to find a teacher near you.
Satsangs see Link