Welcome to Yasodhara Yoga in Belfast!

During Niamh Dumigan’s extended stay at Yasodhara Ashram, she appreciated the opportunity to develop her Yoga skills and personal practice. Niamh now offers classes in Belfast and on line workshops.

For a range of yoga classes in a variety of Belfast locations locations click here




Recently returned to Belfast, Northern Ireland, after several years living and working at Yasodhara Ashram, Niamh is passing on the wealth of knowledge she gained. Specializing in Hatha Yoga, Kundalini yoga, meditation, and pranayama, her vision when creating Tribal is to offer a variety of expertly designed classes that support overall wellbeing and respond to a range of different needs – to  energize, destress, calm the mind, or refocus during the day – through classes that have worked wonders for both me and my students across all skill and fitness levels.

Niamh took Teacher Certification at Yasodhara Ashram to deepen her own understanding of what Hatha Yoga means to her – and now she is delighted to enter into classes with the intention of helping people to understand their bodies and feel the benefits as she does.




Recent workshop

Coming Back to Harmony

An On Line Hidden Language and Reflection Class with Niamh and JaneCatherine   October 2022
Harmony comes when the elements are beautifully blended together.

How can you encourage your mind and body to relax and open to a quiet inner self?