Our Books and CDs
Timeless Books offers readers in-depth and inspired teachings on yoga – Hatha, Mantra, Kundalini and Dream Yoga, meditation, poetry and spiritual biography.
We publish the works of Swami Sivananda Radha and other teachers in the Yasodhara Yoga tradition. Many of our books are used extensively in Yasodhara Yoga classes.
Founded in 1978, Timeless Books is dedicated to open intellectual and spiritual enquiry with books that challenge readers to expand their minds and transform their lives. With such yoga classics as Swami Radha’s Hatha Yoga: The Hidden Language and Radha: Diary of a Woman’s Search, readers can discover the foundations of Yasodhara Yoga.
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Books and CDs in other European Languages
Many of our books are also available in translation. Here are the publishers of some titles in other European languages.
From January 2021 Hatha Yoga; The Hidden Language will be available from Yoga Vidya Centres and Ashrams in Germany. See the giftstore at Bad Meinberg Ashram
You may also be able to find older editions of Kundalini Yoga fur den Alltag and Praxis des Traum-Yoga from Verlag Hermann Bauer, or Schirner Verlag.
Hungarian, see the Sivananda Centre in Budapest
Portuguese (Madras Editora Ltda., Global Editora e Distribuidora ltda, Editora Roca Ltda)
Dutch (Uitgeverij Anhh-Hermes) Op Zoek naar Wijsheid and Mantra’s, woorden van Kracht.
French (Edition Dangles, Editions Arista, et Editions Guy Tredaniel)
Spanish (Distribuciones Alfaomega, S.L.)
Italian (Edizioni Mediterranee Roma SRL, Red Edizioni SpA)