screen-shot-2016-10-10-at-11-02-54-amBerlin was Swami Radha’s home town. Here she trained and became a professional dancer, newspaper photographer and writer. Berlin was also where she had her first experiences of yoga.

In the 1950s she trained in Rishikesh where she was initiated into sanyas by Swami Sivananda. He ensured that she learned from the best teachers available, including Anandamaya Ma and her Tibetan guru in Mussoorie. Then he  asked her to go to Canada to teach and establish an ashram. Yasodhara Ashram was opened in 1963.

You can read Swami Radha’s story in Radha, Diary of a Woman’s Search and In the Company of the WiseBooks available in German. Das Geheimnis des Hatha-Yoga, Praxis des Traum Yoga and Kundalini-Yoga für den Alltag: Verbindung mit dem inneren Selbst.


Mantra des Göttlichen Lichts
Swami Sivananda Radha
Ich werde erschaffen durch Göttliches Licht.
Ich werde erhalten durch Göttliches Licht.
Ich werde geschützt durch Göttliches Licht.
Ich bin umgeben von Göttlichem Licht.
Ich wachse immer mehr in Göttliches Licht.


Workshops and Events

Swami Sukhananda returns to Berlin – 27-29 March 2020

Swami Sukhananda, a personal disciple of Swami Radha from Yasodhara Ashram, will be returning to Berlin in the spring and offering a weekend of workshops and a talk at the beautiful Bodhicharya Centre, in Friedrichshain. Sukhananda has been living and teaching yoga since 1988 when she first met Swami Sivananda Radha. She is continually inspired by Yoga and its transformative effects.

Look forward to an amazing weekend of Yoga practice and self discovery.

You can reserve your place for Friday evening or the workshops for one or both days.

Each event you will need a Journal, and a pen for reflections. For the workshops also bring along a packed lunch to share. (Tea and hot water will be available.)

Instruction will be in English on Friday evening but in English and German on Saturday and Sunday.

Der Unterricht findet am Freitagabend in englischer Sprache, am Samstag und Sonntag auf Englisch und Deutsch statt.


Events postponed due to coronavirus precautions

Please stay in touch and we will let you know as soon as new dates can be arranged. You can sign up for our newsletter here.


Learning to Trust, an illustrated talk with reflections –  27 March 2020

Swami Sivananda Radha started life as a Berliner, born into a wealthy family of mixed religion in Wilmersdorf. She lived there throughout both World Wars, before beginning the spiritual journey that led her to her guru, Swami Sivananda in Rishikesh, India; a Tibetan teacher she met in Mussoorie; and then to Kootenay Lake in British Columbia. Every step of the way took her into new and unknown territory. She was one of the first westerners and women to take sanyas, and her legacy is also one of the most lasting.

What does it mean to you to live by trust in your own inner connection? How does trust work in your life? Join us for this exploration with slides, video, personal reflection and meditations.

Bring along your journal and a pen.

When: Friday 27 March 2020, 7.30 – 9.00pm

Where: Bodhicharya Centre, Kinzigstrasse 25 – 29 | 10427, Friedrichshain.

Cost: by donation

Contact: email Swami Sukhananda


Yoga, Reflection and Relaxation – Saturday 28 March 2020

Open to your inner voice in a workshop that combines a gentle and nurturing approach to Yoga asanas with self-reflection. In a Hidden Language of Hatha Yoga process, you will be guided to reflect on how Hatha poses relate to your mind, body, your spirit, and your life. Using Mantra and Meditation you will explore the inner power of the Yoga asanas. Your reflections can provide seeds of inspiration that blossom to reveal your next steps.

Suitable for anyone, whether beginner or experienced with yoga or reflection. Bring a journal for your reflections and come in comfortable clothing.

When: Saturday 28 March 2020, 10.30 am – 4.30 pm

Where: Bodhicharya Centre, Kinzigstrasse 25 – 29 | 10427, Friedrichshain.

Cost: 70 Euro for the day

Contact: email Swami Sukhananda

Yoga, Reflexion und Entspannung – Samstag, 28 März 2020
Offen sein für ihre innere Stimme in einem Workshop, der einen sanften und pflegenden Ansatz zu Yoga Asanas mit Selbstreflexion kombiniert. In einem Hidden Language of Hatha Yoga Prozess wirst du geführt, um darüber nachzudenken. Mit Mantra und Meditation werdet ihr die innere Kraft der Yoga Asanas erforschen. Eure Reflexionen können Samen der Inspiration liefern, die erblühen, um eure nächsten Schritte zu enthüllen.
Geeignet für jeden, ob Anfänger oder erfahren in Yoga oder Reflexion.
Bringen Sie ein Tagebuch für Ihre Reflexionen und kommen Sie in bequemer Kleidung.


Wann: Samstag 28 März  2020, 10.30 – 4.30 Uhr

Kontakt: email Swami Sukhananda


Stilling the Mind – Sunday 29 March 2020

“What is this thing called mind, that can keep us a prisoner and yet can experience such luminosity?” Swami Radha, Kundalini Yoga for the West

What is the mind? What are its tendencies? How can I still my mind and bring more relaxation into my day? Learn a variety of practices – including visualization, breathing techniques, concentration and relaxation – to help you understand different levels of mind and to approach the mind’s expansive potential. Take time to search for the silence and beauty within.

When: Sunday 29 March 2020, 10.30- 4,30 pm

Where: Bodhicharya Centre, Kinzigstrasse 25 – 29 | 10427, Friedrichshain.

Cost: 70 Euro for the day

Contact: email Swami Sukhananda

Den Geist zur Ruhe bringen – Sonntag 29. März 2020
“Was ist das, was man Geist nennt, das uns gefangen hält und dennoch eine solche Leuchtkraft erleben kann?” Swami Radha, Kundalini Yoga für den Western

Was ist der Geist? Was sind seine Tendenzen? Wie kann ich meinen Geist zur Ruhe bringen und damit mehr Entspannung in meinen Tag? Lernen Sie eine Vielzahl von Praktiken kennen – einschließlich Visualisierung, Atemtechniken, Konzentration und Entspannung – um Ihnen zu helfen, verschiedene Ebenen des Geistes zu verstehen und sich dem expansiven Potenzial des Geistes zu nähern. Nehmen Sie sich Zeit, um nach der Stille und Schönheit im Inneren zu suchen.

Wann: Sonntag  29. März 2020, 10.30- 16.30 Uhr

Kontakt: email Swami Sukhananda


Preis pro Tagesworkshop:
Regulär: 70 Euro
Sponsor: Als Sponsor*in können Sie einen frei wählbaren Spendenbetrag über den Normal-Preis hinaus bezahlen. Damit ermöglichen Sie es, die ermäßigte Preiskategorie anzubieten. Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung.
Reduziert: 55 Euro


Recent Workshops in Berlin

Workshops in Berlin were at the Bodhicharya Centre, in Friedrichshain – a beautifully calm spot in the centre of Berlin.

The Divine Feminine – Hatha Yoga Hidden Language Workshop – January 2019

The lotus ‘represent levels of consciousness, and the fully open flower is associated with the Buddha… Lord Buddha, who is considered “Lotus born”, and Divine Mother with her many names, are shown seated or standing on a lotus, which presents them to us as being beyond human nature.’ Swami Radha (from Hatha Yoga: the Hidden Language)

My Body as a Temple – Workshop – January 2019

Students created a map of their own bodies, explored the power of Yoga asanas, and absorbed the healing benefits of deep relaxation during a nourishing day of self-inquiry and discovery.








Opening the Heart – Hatha Yoga Hidden Language Workshop – February 2018

Wir werden den Vormittag mit der “Verborgenen Sprache von Hatha Yoga” (“Hidden Language Hatha Yoga”) verbringen – eine sanfte und meditative Yogaform, mit deren Hilfe wir die verborgenen Botschaften und die Symbolik der Yoga Asanas erforschen können. Das Yoga verbindet die körperliche Praxis mit persönlichen Reflektionen und Visualisierungen. Yoga-Erfahrungen sind nicht notwendig.

Breath – the Silent Healer 

Für den Nachmittag haben wir einen Workshop zum Atem geplant: “Atem – der stille Heiler”.









An Introduction to Yasodhara Yoga – January 2017

Swami Sukhananda introducing the Divine Light Invocation – a standing meditation practice that Swami Radha brought with her from Rishikesh to the West.



Experience Yasodhara Yoga – a 2-day Workshop

In the mornings you will explore the Hidden Language of Hatha Yoga which takes the practice of Hatha Yoga far beyond a series of physical exercises. It is a gentle and meditative style of Hatha that respects the body as a spiritual tool. By reflecting with symbolism and visualization the ‘hidden’ messages of the asanas are revealed.

In the afternoons, you will explore Mantra and Dream Yoga. The benefits of Mantra Yoga include deepening experiences of inner harmony, healing and relaxation. Working with your dreams you will learn how to interpret the messages of your subconscious to help you make changes in your waking life.

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