Haus Yoga Vidya in Bad Meinberg (between Hanover and Paderborn) is Europe’s largest Yoga Centre, offering over 1,400 programmes each year, plus daily Satsangs, meditations and a range of asana classes in different styles that you can join whether you are registered for a workshop or not. The Ashram provides many opportunities to work on your body, mind and spirit and practice yoga and meditation in a natural setting with like-minded people.

Since 2019, Yasodhara Yoga is among the wide selection of options available.

This location, in the Teutoburger Forest of northern Germany, provides opportunities walks and hikes. And there is a Ganeshe centre for children. The meals are organic and almost completely vegan.  (For more information follow links – in English, and German.)

To follow Bad Meinberg Satsangs and classes online, Click here.


Workshops with Swami Sukhananda

Once again Swami Sukhananda’s returns to Bad Meinberg for Christmas 2023 and the New Year.

A new program for this winter is now available to be booked. Christmas and the New Year at Bad Meinberg is a wonderful experience. Why not join us!





Swami Sukhananda’s Visit –  22 December 2024 – 5 January 2025


The Hidden Language of Asanas – Sunday, 22 December – Friday, 27 December 2024

Take a step beyond Hatha Yoga, listen to your inner intelligence. Use this opportunity to explore meditation in a range asanas. Experience and deepen your knowledge of the true power and mystical potential of each pose. Use this knowledge to bring quality to your everyday decisions and experiences.

Reserve your place


Geheimnis Hatha Yoga – Sonntag, 22 Dezember – Freitag, 27 Dezember 2024
Die verborgene Sprache der Asanas. Tritt einen Schritt zurück, über Hatha Yoga hinaus. Nimm die innere Intelligenz wahr und erforsche und erfahre „Meditation“ in einer Abfolge von Yoga Stellungen. Erlebe die wahre Kraft und das mystische Potential einer jeden Stellung. Mit dieser Erfahrung bringst du eine neue Qualität in deinen Alltag.
Kilcken Sie Hier


Renewing the Light – Friday, 27 December – Sunday, 29 December 2024
How can you bring light in the dark of winter? The Divine Light Invocation is a powerful meditation for transformation, concentration and healing brought to the west by Swami Sivananda Radha. Whether learning it for the first time or renewing this practice, you can open to deepening your understanding of yourself and the world around you. In this workshop you explore the relaxation techniques, mantra and visualizations that can strengthen your meditation on Light. Harness the potential of the Light within to build a bridge to your own inner wisdom.
Reserve your Place


Lichtmeditation-Wiederaufladen mit göttlichem Licht – Freitag, 27 Dezember  – Sonntag, 29 Dezember 2024
Wie kannst du Licht in den dunklen Winter bringen? Mit der Anrufung des Göttlichen Lichts lernst du eine machtvolle Meditationstechnik für Transformation und Heil-Sein. Sie wurde von Swami Sivananda Radha, einer engen Schülerin von Swami Sivananda, in den Westen gebracht. Sie führt zu einem tieferen Verständnis deiner selbst und der Welt um dich herum. Entspannungstechniken, Mantras und Visualisierungen verstärken deine Lichtmeditation. Nutze dein inneres Licht als Brücke zu deiner inneren Weisheit.
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Kundalini Yoga, Steps to Freedom – Sunday 29 December 2024 – Friday 3 January 2025
Kundalini Yoga provides you with a symbolic map of your mind. It shows how the practices of Yoga can help you to draw on your inner wisdom and move forward, whatever the situation. Explore the power of Yoga to transform your life through a process of self-inquiry and meditation practices. Each choice you make, each step you take, can help you overcome limitations and bring you closer to your potential. Suitable for all levels.
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Kundalini Yoga-Schritte zur Freiheit  – Sonntag 29 Dezember 2024 – Freitag 3 Januar 2025
Kundalini Yoga bietet dir eine symbolische Abbildung deines Geistes. Diese zeigt dir wie die Yoga Praxis helfen kann, aus deiner inneren Weisheit zu schöpfen und voran zu gehen, unabhängig davon wie gerade die Situation ist. Erforsche die Power des Yoga durch eine Methode der Selbstanalyse und mit Hilfe von Meditationspraktiken um dein Leben zu transformieren. Jede Wahl die du triffst, jeden Schritt, den du machst kann helfen, Grenzen zu überwinden und dein Potential zu erkennen. Für alle Levels geeignet.
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Write your Life – Friday 3 January 2025 – Sunday, 5 January 2025
Open to your inner voice in this unique class that combines the practices of Yoga with writing. In a Hidden Language of Hatha Yoga process, you will be guided to reflect on how Hatha poses relate to your mind, body and spirit – and your life. Using Mantra and meditation you will explore the power of Saraswati to unlock your creative potential. Your reflections will then be the seeds of inspiration that blossom in writing exercises that reveal how the story of your life can evolve. Suitable for anyone, whether beginner or experienced with yoga and/or writing.
Reserve your place



Schreibe dein Leben  – Freitag 3 Januar 2025 – Sonntag, 5 Januar 2025
Öffne dich deiner inneren Stimme in diesem einzigartigen Kurs, der die Yoga Praxis mit Schreiben kombiniert. In einer Geheim Sprache des Hatha Yoga wirst du angeleitet zu reflektieren, wie die Asanas in Zusammenhang stehen mit deinem Geist, dem Körper und der Seele – und deinem Leben. Mit Mantras und Meditation wirst du die Power von Saraswati erforschen, um dein eigenes kreatives Potential zu erschließen. Deine Erfahrungen werden dann die Samen für Inspiration sein, die in den schriftlichen Übungen erblühen und die deine Lebensgeschichte offenbaren und entwickeln. Für alle geeignet, Anfänger oder im Yoga und Schreiben erfahren.
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Recent Workshops with Swami Sukhananda

Christmas 2023 and New Year 2024 workshops


Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023 workshops


Satsang with Swami Sukhananda at Bad Meinberg

A talk on Ideals and Aims is here:




Lichtmeditation – Online Workshop –Meditation on the Light – Christmas Eve 2021

Yoga und Heilung – Online Workshop – Yoga and Healing for Christmas

Schreibe dein Leben – Online Workshop – Write your Life – Bringing in the New Year


“This workshop was much more than I expected, something very, very special.”

“It touched me deeply.”

“I thought I needed to go to an Ashram, but wisdom came to my house.”

“I want to keep this calmness.”

“Silence is now everywhere – in my home.”


Our online workshops were also offered in English and German in May and June 2021 – a collaboration with Yoga Vidya at Bad Meinberg.





Light Meditation – Christmas Eve, Friday 24 December 2020 – Zoom with Sukhananda

Getting into the mood for Christmas in the light of peace, hope, healing and harmony, with the invocation of Divine Light.

Mit der Anrufung des göttlichen Lichts im Licht von Frieden, Hoffnung, Heilung und Harmonie in die Stimmung für Weihnachten kommen.



Yoga of Healing – Yoga und Heilung December 2020 – Zoom with Sukhananda

Cultivating Compassion – Mitgefühl pflegen December 2020 – Zoom



Satsang with Swami Sukahananda

Her talk is introduced from 1.02.00. Click here:







Steps to Freedom, Kundalini Yoga – 1 – 3 February 2019

Schritte zur Freiheit 






A Week of Exploration – Key Steps in Kundalini Yoga – 3 – 8 February 2019

Themenwoche  “Schlüsselschritte” im Kundalini Yoga


Weekend Course – Writing Your Life – 8 – 10 February 2019

Schreibe dein Leben








Haus Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg – Silvaticum
Yogaweg 7
32805 Horn-Bad Meinberg, GERMANY
phone: +49-5234-870
fax: +49-5234-871875
e-mail: Badmeinberg(at)