Namaste! We are a community of teachers offering instruction in Yasodhara Yoga in Alberta. There is also a specific Calgary group for those in the Calgary area.
If you wish to connect with our community, please contact the Edmonton group.
Alberta Teachers
Carlean Fisher
In 1996, I had been practicing Hatha Yoga as a physical practice for many years when I first visited Yasodhara Ashram. I discovered that there is much more to Yoga than the physical poses. I completed the Yoga Development Course in 1998 and 2010, and have been certified to teach Hatha Yoga since 1998, and Hidden Language of Hatha Yoga, Kundalini and Dream Yoga since 1999. I am deeply grateful for the practical way Swami Radha has presented the Yoga teachings. Because of Swami Radha my life has meaning.
Michelle Blance
I first visited Yasodhara Ashram in the 1980’s. I was attending a hatha yoga class in Edmonton and a classmate gave me a brochure/calendar for the Ashram. A friend and I then drove out to the Ashram and participated in a 10 day course, after which I signed up for the three month Yoga Teacher’s Course that commenced in January of the following year. However, I did not end up taking the three month course until several years later, in 1992, at which time it was called the Yoga Development Course. I have since then taken teacher certifications in hatha yoga, Hidden Language Hatha Yoga and Kundalini and Dream Yoga and completed the Yoga Development Course two more times, most recently in 2019. I feel grateful to be part of the large extended Ashram community. Swami Radha’s Teachings are both practical and uplifting and give me ongoing inspiration.
Cathy Anne Pachnowski
I have been a student and certified teacher of the Yasodhara Yoga teachings for many years, having first visited the Ashram in 1987. The teachings are applicable to daily life, with an inspiring focus on breath, the Divine Light, and Divine Mother. I invite you to join us in these reflective practices for an intuitive and meaningful exploration of your unique self. As Swami Radha said in Light and Vibration: “There is a difference between the knowing of the intellect and the knowing of the Heart … The Heart is limitless. Compassion is limitless.”
Tara (Barbara Huston)
I am a long-standing student of the ancient eastern teachings that Swami Radha has made accessible for everyday life. I have yet to meet a life situation that is not unraveled and elevated by the Kundalini System. It is my joy and privilege to offer this gentle, practical and personally empowering Yoga. Exploring these teachings you will find out for yourself the power of reflection, awareness, self-discovery and choice. You will be gifted with practices that will lighten your life, and help you relax into a joy and purpose you may not otherwise have known. You will meet other like-minded people seeking deeper meaning and quality in daily life.
Patricia Lundy
I live in southern Alberta in the Crowsnest Pass. I first visited the Ashram in the fall of 1996, after reading Kundalini Yoga for the West that summer. I returned for the Yoga Development course in January of 1997. Since 1999, I have been certified to teach Hatha Yoga, Hidden Language of Hatha Yoga and Kundalini and Dreams Yoga. I did the Yoga Development Course again in 2019. These ancient teachings resonate deeply and continue to confirm what I already know at some level.
Over the years I have been a student and a teacher always going deeper, opening to new levels of understanding. The most empowering statement I have ever heard was, “There is a part of you that knows the answer”. This is true for each of us and I invite you to begin an exploration that will change your life. I am filled with gratitude that I found my way to these ancient teachings and the lineage that has held them for thousands of years. Swami Radha has made them available to all of us. They are practical, inspiring and profound.