Marconics Ascension Energy – Free Lecture

June 18, 2024 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Yasodhara Yoga Spokane's studio
406 S Coeur d Alene St.
WA 99201
Cindy Jordan
(206) 696-2894

This lecture is an invitation to reach a higher level of vibrational energy. What if your path to your most fulfilling life has already been written by your higher self? Have you felt that you have reached a ceiling with your energy work and your healing process? You already know that something must exist beyond but you do not know where.

Join me in discovering what is possible beyond what this reality is presenting to you.
Through this lecture and free energy samples of the Marconics energy, discover what is possible to take your personal spiritual energetic healing to the next level.

Cindy Jordan/Marconics holds meetings at Yasodhara Yoga Spokane’s studio, but is not affiliated with Yasodhara Yoga Spokane. Please contact Cindy directly with questions and to confirm date/time.