Other Classes
Also see our Hatha Yoga Classes and Events/Workshops
Relaxation, 3-class series
with Swami Yasodananda
Wednesdays, February 7, 14 & 21 5:45 – 7 PM
Cost: $40 for 3-class series; $15 for single class
Drop-ins welcome!
Do you need to relax?
Experience the restorative and relaxing effects of Yoga. These classes include the stretching-relaxing flow of movement and stillness, breath awareness, and reflections on how to relax your mind.
Wear comfortable clothing you can stretch in and bring a journal or notebook.
Important Attendance Information
- If you are sick, please stay home.
- When mats are required, you are welcome to bring your own mat. Studio mats are also available at no charge.
Payment & Registration
- To register, please call 509.838.3575 or email spokane@yasodharayoga.org
- If attending an online class, please register at least 24 hours before first class.
- Payment by PayPal, credit card, check or cash accepted:
- PayPal:
- PayPal:
- Credit card: Please call 509-838-3575 with your card information
- Check: Make check payable to “Yasodhara Yoga Spokane” and mail to 406 S. Coeur d’Alene St., Ste. T, Spokane, WA 99201
- If offered online, Zoom link will be emailed to you either the day before or the morning of the class.
- Sorry, no refunds for classes.
- Sliding scale rates available. Please call us at 509-838-3575.
Previous Classes
The Dreaming Mind
What wisdom does your sleeping mind want to tell you?
with Swami Lakshmiananda
When: 3-week series on Thursdays, October 12, 19 & 26
Time: 6:00-7:30 PM Pacific Time
Cost: $50 Attend in person or online on Zoom
Your dreams can become friends and teachers once you begin to understand their language. They can bring to life your latent creative nature. This deep personal wisdom is always available to you. Learn a time-tested method to invite your dream symbols to speak, offering guidance and clear steps to action.
“Making our own discoveries is a very joyful process and gives us the courage and strength to go on. By finding answers within, we gain self-confidence.” ~Swami Radha, Realities of the Dreaming Mind
Bring a dream written or typed out to refer to for each class and have your journal or notebook handy.
Aging with Grace
with Lakshmi and Sheila Thomsen
When: Thursdays, May 11, 18 & 25
Time: 6:30-8 PM Pacific Time
Cost: $50
Attend in person or online.
The challenges of aging are mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual. How can we turn these challenges into opportunities? How can we live Robert Browning’s invitation, “Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, the last of life, for which the first was made.”? In this 3-class series, we will use a variety of yogic practices to help us reflect on these challenges. Give yourself an opportunity to explore the possibilities with others who are asking many of the same questions about living long with grace.
Bring a journal or notebook.
Aging with Awareness
with Lakshmi
When: Saturday, March 18
Time: 1:30 – 3:30 PM Pacific Time
Cost: $30 or pay as you can
Offered online and in person in the studio. Advance registration required.
As we age, we often experience an inner prompting to re-examine our priorities and choices. By acknowledging our learning, challenges and victories, we can reflect on how we want to create our lives now. Using yogic practices, we can reflect on questions such as:
- What is my current perspective?
- What have I learned?
- What concepts do I hold that are no longer valid?
- How do I want to create the rest of my life?
Items needed: journal or notebook and pen.
How Do I Listen?
a 4-class series
with Lakshmi
When: Tuesdays, Jan 10-31st 6:00 – 7:30 PM
Cost: $50 for 4-class series or $15 per class
Offered online and in person in the studio. Advance registration required.
Listening within. Listening to others. Hearing beyond the words. Silence. Learn to enhance your sense of hearing.
Items needed: journal or notebook and pen.
“Listening is very difficult for most of us. But there are circumstances in which listening is more appropriate than action. When you have a proper understanding of that, you will discover the results of just listening. But if you think, “Should I do this? Should I do that? This may not be so good. Maybe I should do that. Why can’t I do this?” you are just getting into a war with your personality aspects. Then there is no way you can receive an answer. Also, if you have already decided what answer you want to hear, that is all you will hear because you are not listening, and that is no true answer.”
~ Swami Rada, Time To Be Holy
Stilling the Mind
with Swami Yasodananda
When: Tuesdays, Nov 15, 22 and 29
Time: 4:00 – 5:15 PM
Cost: $40 for 3-week series or $15 per class
Offered online and in person in the studio. Advance registration required.
Stilling the mind is a process. It takes letting go, relaxing, being in the moment. Using Yoga techniques, we will be guiding the body and mind with images, sounds, and ideas that support stilling the mind. These Yoga techniques include Hatha Yoga, Divine Light, Mantra, reflection, and more, to reveal your own quiet mind.
Have a notebook or journal; wear comfortable clothing for stretching and relaxing.