Upcoming Yasodhara Yoga Spokane classes and workshops.

Call or text us at 509-838-3575 or email spokane@yasodharayoga.org with questions or to register.

Conversation on Staying Centered
Jan 26 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

A conversation on how to not go nuts in today’s world. For more information go to the Events page.

Chanting and Meditating for Peace
Feb 2 @ 6:30 pm – 7:45 pm

How do we find peace? How do we offer peace to others? The Metta Sutta of Loving Kindness says: “I build a healthy, happy aura of Loving Kindness around me . . .” .By changing the brain and mind with chanting and meditation we create peace within and around us. You are welcome to come and add your voice to expand peace in our community and beyond.