Why I Choose to Chant

By Sheila Thomsen

Originally posted July 29, 2022


Mantra is a spiritual practice. The vibrations go out into the world for the benefit of others. This last week I was reminded how this simple chanting, alone or in company, is also a great gift I give to myself.

Last Monday was busy! I spent the day at a friend’s lake place. It was a potluck gathering of friends to discuss and exchange books.  I made a dessert in the morning and then carpooled out to the lake.  It was sort of exciting be in a group again, just lingering over lunch, enjoying the beautiful place. The conversation was interesting, sometimes serious, sometimes silly. Time slipped away; we had a hard time getting motivated to leave. Driving home was more of the same, continuing to catch up and laughing.

By the time I got dropped off at home, I knew I needed to hurry to get to the yoga studio on time for the Mantra on Mondays gathering.  Of course, first I had to hear all about how things had been at home. How the cat, who is deaf, had hidden in a thicket rather and I was needed to catch him and get him back inside. Then there was a brief discussion about options for dinner. Meanwhile, my car keys seemed to have hidden themselves. By the time I got into my car, my heart was racing, so, naturally, traffic seemed slow and difficult.

I arrived at the studio a bit breathless. Apologizing for rushing in at the last minute, I sat down in front of the harmonium to begin. “Take a comfortable seated position, focus on your breath, prepare for the mantra,” I said and began to play. I faltered a bit, distracted by my thoughts, finding it difficult to hit the right notes and maintain the rhythm, wanting to squirm around to find a more comfortable seat. My mind kept jumping around. It took me a while to remember to focus, to notice my own breathing, to be present in the moment. Finally, the moment came when mantra was all I was doing, just repeating the sacred words, singing the simple notes.

By the time we were done, I was feeling centered, peaceful and refreshed. Grateful for the respite, I remembered reading that Swami Radha had said to put your emotions into the mantra. I was glad to be rid of my flurry and fluster, and peacefully enjoyed the rest of the evening.

Join us for Mantra on Mondays and discover for yourself the powerful gift of chanting mantra.