Meeting the Challenges of the Day

By Lakshmi

Originally posted July 19, 2021


There are so many challenges lately, especially with the pandemic and the heat. With the pandemic on the decline, my mind turns to going out, visiting friends and family, traveling. I don’t want my tendency “to do” and “to go” to drown out my voice that says to listen inside. My challenge is to listen to that inner voice that reminds me to be patient, stay calm, reflect on what is happening in my own life right now rather than acting impulsively.


“Reflection and spiritual practice enable us to challenge our ideas, to be thoughtful and self-disciplined. Integrating what we learn about our inner selves into our outer lives makes us stronger and gives us more choices. The energy that we once put into our limitations is freed up and directed toward cooperating with our ideals.”
~ Swami Radhananda, Living the Practice


Both Swami Radha and Swami Radhananda refer to challenges as opportunities. What are my opportunities as I move away from isolation due to the pandemic, but into an extreme heat wave? Seems the heat continues a sense of isolation as it keeps me in my air-conditioned apartment. This is surely an opportunity to strengthen my reflections and spiritual practice and not to focus on the limitations of this past year. My ideals still hold true. I can strengthen my focus on them.

In Hatha Yoga: The Hidden Language, Swami Radha offers the following reflection: “The tortoise [Kurmasana] symbolizes looking inward and controlling very carefully what is put out. Reflect on withdrawing your senses and finding a steady place of wisdom as you go into the pose.”

I rest in this pose looking into my heart center. I become calm, relaxed and know that all is well and that I am where I need to be right now.


“All the essential ingredients are present in this mixture we call life. When we face the challenges, we are led to a connection with our higher purpose. A sense of gratitude begins to enter the mix when we recognize that the challenges are blessings in disguise.”
~ Swami Radhananda, Living the Practice