Yasodhara Yoga classes offer a reflective, spiritual approach to yoga that integrates body, mind and speech.



Experience the benefits of simple, gentle Hatha Yoga stretches to help you relax, improve your physical strength, balance and flexibility. Relax, move and strengthen within your own range of motion.This class is well-suited for those with restricted movement or limited range of motion.
No previous experience with Hatha Yoga required. Open to all levels.

Teacher: Anna Di Pede
Date: Tuesdays
Time: 12:15 – 1:15 pm

Location: St. Andrew’s Centre, King & Simcoe, one block west of King & University. Entrance to St. Andrew’s Centre is at 75 Simcoe St. Across from Roy Thomson Hall.  St. Andrew subway station.
Cost: $17 drop-in, $90 series of 6 (sliding scale available)
Drop in: Please email or call ahead to notify Anna before your first class or for space availability.
To register and for details: adipede@sympatico.ca, 416-399-7786